Being able to build a custom home is a wonderful opportunity to create a home that is truly right for you. However, before you actually move into your home you need to make sure you take time to prepare. Your preparation will make the transition into your new home much smoother.
Make Sure it’s Move-in Ready
The first step is to make sure your home is actually ready for move-in. With a custom house, it’s likely there are some elements that are still being finished up. While you might be able to manage living in a home that has a few things that need to be finished, it’s not ideal. It’s much better to move into a house that’s ready for you. As you approach move-in day, talk with your contractor to make sure everything is on schedule. Having open communication with your contractor can help you have a positive relationship with them which will make it easier to discuss the progress with your house. As you keep up to date with your contractor, make adjustments to your move-in plans so you don’t move in before the house is ready.
Get Your Stuff Organized
In addition to having a house that’s ready, you also need to make sure you are ready for move-in day. Staying organized during a move is key to reducing stress. You should start off by creating a packing schedule and an organized system. Start by packing the non-essentials. This includes items that aren’t used on a daily basis such as decorations, items in storage, and anything else you can live without for a few weeks. Next, you should move to items you can forgo for a few days. The last things you should pack are your essentials that you will likely pack and move to the new house on the same day. Another way to stay organized is to pack room by room. Having everything from one room in the same box will make unpacking much easier.
Take Care of the Logistics
Moving your belongings is a major priority, but there are several logistics to keep in mind when moving in. For example, you don’t want to neglect utilities. You want your house to be usable immediately. Make sure you turn off the utilities at your old home and switch on the new ones. You should also prepare by switching your address where relevant so you don’t have any confusion or mail sent to the wrong address. Lastly, make sure you have your new keys.
Move-in day can be very exciting for you and your family. However, it can also be stressful. If you take plenty of time to prepare well in advance, then move-in day will be a time to enjoy rather than stress.
Read this next: How to Move During a Pandemic